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Why I love Query Tracker


If you’re querying or about to query, then you probably know there are a lot of tools out there to help you in the process. For myself, I started out with an excel spreadsheet way too long for its own good.

I also had advice from critique partners and other writers.

But, in my need to be organized, I turned to Query Tracker 

(suggested to me by my lovely critique partner).

It. Is. Fabulous.

Here’s a blurb about QT by QT:

Why join QueryTracker?List of top literary agents and publishers. Tools to keep your queries organized. Benefit from the collective knowledge of thousands of other writers, all of which are enduring the query process just like you. Export and backup your data at any time The data compiled on agents and queries will give you special insight, such as:
  1. The number of queries sent to each agent.

  2. The number of queries each agent accepts.

  3. The number of queries each agent rejects.

  4. Response times of agents.

  5. Plus much more…

Everyone who queries should use it! And here are a few reasons why:

  1. Basic sign up is free

  2. You can make agent lists for different projects

  3. You can keep track of who you queried, what their response is, and if they requested.

  4. You can look through your list based on convenient things like “outstanding queries” or “outstanding submissions” or, my personal favorite, “hide rejections.”

  5. Also, it gives information about the agents: What they’re looking for, genres they represent, their clients, how to query them, how fast they’ve been replying

  6. It makes epic pie-charts for you based on your responses and submissions (I love charts)

  1. Within each agent profile, there’s a nice comments section where some people will put when they queried, when they got a response, the type of book they were querying, etc.

  1. There’s a great community. In the aforementioned comment section, some people will ask about response times or if agents have auto-reply emails set up to acknowledge receipt. Sometimes it’s stressful when you don’t know if an agent got your query. So this community is a great place to turn to.

  2. ALSO, best feature (in my mind) is the forums and the success stories. There are queries that worked! And they’re for individual agents. So you know what Steve liked because he requested it and then offered representation.



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